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Your rights after a car accident are clear. If you’ve been hurt by someone else’s negligent actions, you should be able to file a claim with his or her insurance company for the compensation to cover the expenses associated with your damages.

Just because you have these rights, though, doesn’t mean the insurance company is going to make it easy to file a claim.

In fact, many insurance companies do whatever they can do to avoid paying out maximum compensation. One method they’ll try to use is asking you for a recorded statement. Many people think the insurance company has the right to this, but there are some things you should know.

What Is the Recorded Statement for?

When the insurance company requests a recorded statement, their objective is to have something on record that they may be able to use against you in the claim. They want you to say something that contradicts your initial recollection of the accident.

If they’re successful in getting you to admit fault or say something that goes against your initial statement, they may try to use that to lower the amount they have to pay you, or even deny the claim completely.

Don’t Talk to the Insurance Company Without a Lawyer

The most important thing you can do to protect your rights is hiring a lawyer. With a lawyer on your side, you can have your advocate speak with the insurance company on your behalf. How does this help your claim?

The attorney knows the tactics of the insurance company, as well as the purpose of the recorded statement. They also know what to and what not to say when questioned by the insurance company. It prevents you from saying something that may be detrimental to your case.

At Goldstein Hayes & Lina, LLC, we work hard to protect the clients who trust us when they are up against large insurance companies and their legal teams. You can count on our Atlanta car accident attorneys to stand on your side and guide you through the entire process with confidence.

Call our firm today at (888) 425-6070.

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